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So here's the story. After the #6MoonsOverManila, the 6 moons wanted to take a picture with the tarpaulins of the fan groups, so they set it up on stage. Being a member of TaeTeePH, it was our responsibility to clean up and bring home the tarps.

Unfortunately, one of the tarps, Tae's to be specific had some trouble. The mechanism of the roll up broke and in order for it to be included in the photo, it would have to be held up by a person. Being the good citizen that I am (LOL), I volunteered.

So when the 6 came up on stage, I was ready to raise the banner at an arms length. Tae might have seen me. 😂😂 Picture taking took almost 2-3 minutes. Long enough to get my arms tired and heavy. Lol. No to mention I was standing on a chair to add height.

When the picture taking was finished, I dropped my arms while holding the banner and guess who was there? Yep, Tae Darvid himself. He saw that I was holding up the banner and was standing on a chair so he came up to me and thanked me.

But wait, there's more! After he thanked me (I was still on the chair trying to get down), he offered me HIS HAND AND HELPED ME DOWN. Like, OHMYGOD I was spazzing on the inside. Then he told me he took a picture of the tarp already (posted it coz you can see my fingers there) 😂

Then he thanked me again and I was so overjoyed I could almost cry. And that is the story of my short interaction with our sweet Khun Luang @tae darvid. Thank you Tae, you made my year. Holding that tarp was totally worth it.




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